KS-T320 Automatic Ribbon Cable Cut, Strip, Split and Crimping Machine

The KS-T320 Cut, Strip, Split & Crimp Machine will process Ribbon Cable up to 28mm wide with a maximum of 20 conductors/pins.

  1. General Details

    KS-T320 Automatic Ribbon Cable Cut, Strip, Split and Crimping Machine:

    Introducing the Brand New KS-T320 Automatic Ribbon Cable Cutting, Stripping, Slitting and Crimping Machine. This fully automatic machine is capable of processing ribbon cables with up to 20pins/conductors with a maximum width of 28mm. This machine is capable of Cutting the Ribbon Cable to length, Stripping both ends of the Ribbon Cable, Slitting both ends of the Ribbon Cable and also Crimping on both ends of the Ribbon Cable.

  2. Technical Data
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